Selma, AL — President Obama and his family led the way across the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama, this past Saturday as they commemorated and re-traced the path of the iconic march that took place at the same location exactly 50 years ago.
The march took place right after Obama delivered a very well-received speech on race and civil rights in America. After his speech, he was reportedly greeted by a massive crowd, gathered at the foot of the bridge, that applauded his remarks.
In his speech, he said: “We gather here to honor the courage of ordinary Americans willing to endure billy clubs and the chastening rod, tear gas and the trampling hoof; men and women who despite the gush of blood and splintered bone would stay true to their North Star and keep marching toward justice.”
Congressman John Lewis also spoke and shared his own experiences in Selma that day. He said, “We come to Selma to be renewed. We come to be inspired. We come to be reminded that we must do the work that justice and equality calls us to do.”
Lewis also shared some of his powerful reflections and breath-taking photos from the original march on his Twitter account (@repjohnlewis). He has even posted his hospital pictures from when he received a concussion from being beat by the police that day.