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Monday, October 11, 2021

Black Women’s Magazine Honors 26th Anniversary of the Million Man March

Million Man March 26th anniversary

Nationwide — There is a lot of talk of high-value men in social media, but the largest gathering of Black men and “men of value” occurred at the Million Man March 26 years ago on October 16, 1995. To honor these men and its convenor, The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, Virtue Today Magazine is launching a special digital issue highlighting the march, the stories of men who attended, and the impact it had on them. It will also highlight black businesses, many of which started after the Million Man March.

Why would a women’s magazine have a cover story about the Million Man March? “My younger brother and cousin attended the march and I remember the positive impact it had on them and Black men around the world. As a member of the media,” said Audrey Muhammad, editor of Virtue Today Magazine, “I feel obligated to highlight such a prominent event in our history. If we don’t do it, who will?”

Mainstream media covered the march in 1995, but anniversary marches after that such as the Million Family March and the Justice or Else March did not receive as much coverage in the media. All were held on the anniversary of the Million Man March in October. In 1995, Minister Louis Farrakhan called for 1 million men to come to Washington to atone for their sins and to become better men, fathers, husbands, and brothers. “It was one of the best days of my life,” said Vincent Flowers, one of the participants who took the pledge recited that day. It is a powerful pledge that should be taught and given to men each year. The pledge stated the following:

Not only will you be able to read about this amazing event, but you can hear from men who were there on Saturday, October 9th during a special edition of the magazine’s talk show called “Virtue Live!” To view the show, register at https://virtuelive.eventbrite.com and get your free ticket and a digital copy of the magazine. One participant was a 20-year-old college student from Toledo, Ohio who attended with a friend. They slept on the floor of the house of a family they didn’t know so they could attend the march.

On the show, one of the guests will be Student Minister Abdul Sharieff Muhammad, who was in the Supreme Captain of the NOI during that time and helped arrange the security for that day. He will talk about his experience that day and his new book, Down, But not Out.

To sign up to get a free copy of the digital edition of Virtue’s Million Man March issue, subscribe to their email list at VirtueTodayMag.com by October 16th.

(Virtue Today Magazine is offering, for a limited time “I am a Man of Value” and “I am More Valuable than Silver and Gold” shirts for men and women to remind them of their value. Get yours today at VirtueTodayMag.com. Do you want to reduce stress and improve your immune system, Virtue Today Magazine is also sponsoring fitness classes on Sunday at 9 a.m. EST. Sign up at https://getfittolivechallenge.eventbrite.com)

For press inquiries, contact (510) 815-4591 or audreymuhammad@hotmail.com