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Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Podcast/Web Series Addressing African American Struggles Debuts in Black History Month

Kirk Nugent, creator of The Sound of Melanin

Kirk Nugent, creator of The Sound of Melanin

Fort Lauderdale, FL — A new web and podcast series addressing issues affecting African Americans is set to premier during Black History Month.

The series, dubbed The Sound of Melanin (TSOM), highlights and examine various social, political, spiritual and relationship challenges faced by African American community. TSOM is addressed from a humorous angle; however, it is designed to foster critical thinking and help members of the black community challenge preconceived notions of how things are and ought to be.

The Sound of Melanin will premiere on February 8, 2018, with an animated video that investigates the idea of how humans would react if they went to Mars and saw green Martians. The animation raises pondering questions such as whether humans would be kind or condescending to the Martians because they have a different color. The video specifically asks, “What if you went to Mars and saw Martians, but they didn’t speak your language? Would you call them savages, and rob them of their heritage, commit them to a life of bondage, and use their bodies as an experiment for syphilis? It also addresses police brutality by asking, “How many Martians would get a broken neck as your officers went out to Serve and Protect?” The video can be viewed here.

Spoken Word Artist, Kirk Nugent, is the mastermind behind the series. Widely known as the People’s Poet, Nugent has been sharing his craft for more than two decades, speaking mainly to college and university students regarding pursuing their passion.

Questioned about his motivation for creating The Sound of Melanin series, Nugent explained: “Nina Simone said that an artist’s duty is to reflect the times TSOM was created not only to reflect the times, but also to inspire and empower ordinary folks to critically think about the ‘times.’ We have the power to design our destiny, but we are not mindful of that because we have been programmed to self-destruct.”

TSOM is comprised of 12 episodes with each featuring a stirring poem related to the topic addressed. All the poems featured in the first season will be available in an eBook – titled The Sound of Melanin and will be available for sale on the website. Sales generated from the book will be used to support the channel and build a more viable network.

TSOM offers a refreshing perspective on tough issues that generally elicit a negative response from those concerned. Through this series new insights will be shared; listeners and viewers will wake up to the idea that despite the obstacles, the power to change their lives and the world lies within them.

The TSOM web and podcast series can be streamed from The Sound of Melanin at www.thesoundofmelanin.com. Learn more about Kirk Nugent by visiting his website at www.kirknugent.com


Kirk Nugent
(954) 299-3339