Black Relationship Expert Reveals the Psychology Behind Why Men (and Women) Cheat

Author Aaron Jordan, Jr and his bookcover

Nationwide — A new book entitled, The Power Within, A Woman’s Worth: From Both Sexes (available on Amazon.com) tackles the controversial topic of cheating, and reveals the psychology behind why men and women cheat on each other when they are in committed relationships. Author Aaron Jordan Jr. explains it from, not just a one-sided viewpoint that we have heard before, but also from the viewpoint as to why both sexes cheat.Jordan, who is also a speaker, relationship coach, and radio personality, made headlines and positively changed the course of countless lives in 2015 with his “Know Your Worth” movement and all related components. “Many individuals believe that the reason men cheat is because certain women allow them to. And some will even say that it dates back to primitive years, and that it is edged in our DNA as men to have multiple women… well, I can’t share everything,” laughs Jordan.

But Jordan is on a mission to empower and enlighten the minds of both men and women on understanding who they are, whose they are, and what they are when it comes to dating. Via his “The Game of Love College Relationship Tour”, he is already sharing his wealth of knowledge about dating and relationships with thousands of singles, couples, and divorcees.

“In dating, people have to understanding that it is more spiritual than it is physical, and once we get to the point of not devaluing who we are and our worth for the stake of having a warm body next to us; then at that point we will be able to control what we will and will not tolerate,” explains Aaron.

He also adds that he is already in the process of writing a second edition to his cutting edge book that will be called The Power Within, A Woman’s Worth: Introducing 5 Laws of Harnessing Your Worth.

For more details and/or to purchase the book, visit www.aaronjordanjr.com


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Aaron Jordan Jr.
(901) 281-6352



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