Nationwide — As Bill Cosby awaits his trial for sexual assault charges, the legendary comedian has reportedly completely lost his eyesight due to a degenerative eye disease called keratoconus. A source told Page Six, “His alleged victims may take some solace in the fact that he’s in his own personal hell. He has been suffering from a degenerative eye disease and is completely blind… All his Hollywood friends have turned their backs on him.”The source continues, “He is confined to his house in Pennsylvania, and the only person on his side is his wife, Camille, who is masterminding his defense. His only friends are the small army of lawyers on his payroll.”
Earlier this month, Cosby was seen using a cane while holding on to the arm of an associate as he arrived in Elkins Park, Pennsylvania for a preliminary hearing. During that hearing, the judge ruled that Cosby will stand trial on sexual assault charges, and is facing three counts of felony aggravated indecent assault.
The charges stem from a 2004 case involving Andrea Constand, an employee at his alma mater, Temple University. She was the first of more than 50 women who’ve accused Cosby of sexual misconduct.