Author Gets Green Light to Raise Funds to Make Movie Depicting an Alternative America

Adam L. Perkins, author and director of Looking Over Black Shoulders

Raleigh, NC — Author Adam L. Perkins has turned to a popular crowdfunding site to begin a campaign to help create a movie of his book, Looking Over Black Shoulders. The book depicts complete race role reversal which illustrates white Americans going through Jim Crow segregation and Black Americans enforcing Jim Crow laws.Perkins admits that a movie depicting this type of reverse struggle may be a hard pill to swallow by some; but says that many people, especially people of color, have always felt that whites walking in their shoes is the only real way for understanding. Something Perkins says he agrees with.

He comments, “Since faith cometh by hearing, then empathy must come by experience. This will be as close as you can get to walking in another’s shoes and has never been seen before in motion film. It’s a daunting task to say the least, but I feel the end result will be worth the challenges that lay ahead.”

Perkins decided to start a campaign for support of the movie project after so many requests to turn the book into a movie. The project was submitted to the well-known crowd funding platform, Kickstarter, which allows creative minds to present their ideas for change. Often, supporters are given rewards for helping the campaign by the inventor of the project depending on their level of support.

“I applaud the Kickstarter team for seeing the value of such a project. My hope now, is that supporters will also see the value of what a movie like this will do for our nation and help it become a reality. The plan is to get this into theaters by 2021,” he adds.

For more information, visit https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/lookoverblkshoulders/a-reversed-america-looking-over-black-shoulders


Adam Perkins



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