Black Author’s 2nd Book, “Someday Is Today: Achieving Racial Equity in the Workplace,” Sheds Light on How to Address Issues Related to Race in Corporate America

Four years after the pandemic and the killing of George Floyd, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) are under attack; new book provides a path forward for this important work, amid efforts to silence it.

Nationwide — Acclaimed talent management and organizational development author Allison Manswell has released her second book Someday is Today: Achieving Racial Equity in the Workplace, the sequel to Listen In: Crucial Conversations on Race in the Workplace. While Listen In sought to bring awareness to the unique challenges of the Black experience in the workplace, Someday Is Today focuses on solutions to those challenges – solutions that benefit everyone, not just people of color.The five main characters in Someday Is Today Black professionals, LaToya, Roshunda, Maya, Shane and Elijah, who regularly got together for happy hour as their mental health ritual for coping with life in corporate America. Someday Is Today set in a post-2020 America as the group resumes in-person gatherings and reconciles the roller coaster ride of allyship on racial equity.

In the foreword written by Terrence Floyd (George Floyd’s brother) he states, “It was important for me to know that Allison’s commitment to equity began long before the summer of 2020. Her education and professional expertise make her a logical authority in this space and an ideal leader for the next phase of the movement.”

Through compelling dialogue and storylines, important and often uncomfortable topics are explored, debated, and challenged. Generational differences, race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expressions (SOGIE), microaggressions, white male accountability, and allyship are among the many themes that emerge.

More importantly, the reader is not lectured on how to think, act or feel. Instead, the reader is invited to consider the perspectives and challenges presented by each character and the solutions offered to organizations.

A dynamic author, leader and seasoned expert in culture, leadership development, and DEI, Allison believes that racial equity is the tide upon which all other diverse identities rise and fall.

“Unless and until we secure racial equity as a foundation of U.S. culture, all other identities will struggle to experience inclusion,” said Allison. “The lifecycle of initiatives from 2020- 2024 is a perfect example of how this phenomenon works. In the span of four short years, we went from a groundswell of empathy and action in support of equity to backlash and outright reversals of initiatives intended to move us toward a more inclusive society. This retreat is having a negative impact on all traditionally marginalized communities.”

Allison has been solving issues related to organizational effectiveness and developing leaders into strong role models for 30 years. Her credentials, experience, and demonstrated expertise are sought after by Fortune-ranked companies, government agencies, and small and mid-sized organizations due to her unique strategic approach and direct communication style.

Allison is the founder and CEO of Path Forward Consulting, a full-service talent management company delivering products and services that shift organizational behavior from good intentions to business impact.

Read more about Allison on her website at AllisonManswell.com. Her books are available now on Amazon.

For press inquiries, contact Media@AllisonManswell.com



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