5-Year Old Boy and Mom Create Fun Learning YouTube Channel, Perfect For Quarantined Families

Washington, DC — Five-year old Corban and his mother, Andrea Stephenson, have launched a YouTube channel called Corban’s Fun Learning Adventures. This channel encourages children and their parents to bond by doing hands-on, educational, and playful projects together.Corban’s Fun Learning Adventures will expose your child to science experiments, art projects, pretend play, fun building projects, toys, and educational games.

You will see Corban and Andrea launching a rocket and inflating a balloon with a chemical reaction, making ice disappear, creating giant bubbles, building a balloon rocket, and having fun with fractions. Many of the activities are doable with materials you have in your home.

Corban was spelling and reading at 21 months, could write the alphabet and numbers by 27 months, and do multiplication by 36 months. This was done through playful learning methods. “It’s all about taking advantage of the rapid brain growth children have from the ages of 0-3,” says Andrea.

Andrea has written books and created online courses about their fun learning journey. Her three books available on Amazon are: Teach Your Toddler to Read Through Play, Fun and Easy Ways to Teach Your Toddler to Write, and Teach Your Child About Money Through Play. Each book gives the reader over 110 activities parents and teachers can do with children.

More accelerated learning activities and two courses, Teach Your Toddler to Read Through Play and Kid Friendly Fun and Fast Study Tricks for Better Grades are available on SimplyOutrageousYouth.org.

Tune in to Corban’s Fun Learning Adventures to learn how to make your home and the world your child’s learning playground.


About the Founder
Andrea Stephenson is the creator of the blog and organization, Simply Outrageous Youth, which has helped thousands of parents expose their children to playful in-depth and accelerated learning methods. Her website has weekly tips, activities, and resources. She is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with experience in play therapy, and has over 20 years of experience working with children.


Simply Outrageous Youth
(571) 345-5028



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