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Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Annual Beauty Supply Store Owner Conference Has Black Beauty Supply Ownership Trending Up

Black Star Beauty Supply Ribbon Cutting

Ribbon cutting for Black Star Beauty Supply store in Dyersburg, Tennessee

Atlanta, GA — Since 2010, Beauty Supply Institute has held a beauty supply store ownership conference annually that has resulted in over 70 new black-owned stores to hit the U.S., Canadian and Caribbean markets. The ethnic beauty supply business is a $15 billion business with approximately 13,000 retail outlets across America. According to Beauty Business magazine in 2012, the industry saw a 12% growth during the toughest recession years for retailers between 2007 and 2009. A study conducted by Alberto Culver showed, the beauty customer visits an OTC (over-the-counter) store on average, 22 times per year. These statistics are what contribute to the beauty retail business being such a strong sector.

The business of beauty has produced wealth for some and conversation for others as exposed in Chris Rock’s Good Hair movie and Jewish filmmaker, Aron Ranen’s The Korean Takeover: Black Hair, Korean Cash documentary. This has prompted sensation and interest around the business, however, there are many obstacles that an aspiring owner encounters on their journey to opening a store.

Beauty Supply Institute has risen to become the #1 agency that puts store ownership in the hands of minorities through their academy, conferences, and classes. They even produce business plans and other assistance that have successful gotten start-up capital for budding entrepreneurs.

Its company founder, Professor Devin Robinson, is a seasoned store owner who opened his first store 10 years ago and 2 additional ones within 18 months of the first one opening. Since then he has written the book, Taking it Back: How to Become a Successful Black Beauty Supply Store Owner appeared in Ebony magazine, the New York Times, News One with Roland Martin and many more outlets. When asked about his vision, he said, “My vision is to see more blacks in business ownership. I started Beauty Supply Institute (www.BeautySupplyInstitute.com) for those interested to learn about beauty supply ownership and I started Urban Business Institute (www.UrbanBusinessInstitute.com) to help blacks learn about business overall. If it wasn’t for White businesses, our $1 trillion spending power would be significantly less. That should concern and inspire all of us.”

Robinson has generated almost $15 million in store revenues since the company started in 2007. The 2-day conference, which will be held on July 25-26, 2015 in Atlanta at the Atlanta Airport Marriott, will consist of future beauty supply store owners encountering all day classes on the first day and visits to distributors of hair and products on the 2nd day.

Early registration ends June 15 at 5pm. There are also multi person discounts.

For registration information, go to www.BeautySupplyConference.com or call 404-551-4398.


Chambriel Spence
Beauty Supply Institute