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Tuesday, October 19, 2021

This Black, Multi-Millionaire Couple Single-Handedly Fed Over 300 Families During the Pandemic

Antario and Derricka Harwell

Nationwide — Meet Antario and Derricka Harwell, a self-made, multi-millionaire couple with very humble beginnings. In fact, most people would define the Harwells as a true rag to riches story. They once lived on government assistance and survived from paycheck to paycheck, or as Mrs. Harwell describes it, “paycheck to no check” because often the paychecks were spent before they were received. Striving to release themselves from poverty to prosperity, the Harwells built a multimillion-dollar business in the financial & real estate industry from their rented living room over 7 years ago and have since created a combined net worth of over $29 million dollars to date. Despite the numerics surrounding the Harwells, although very impressive, it’s their work in the community that is most notable and what they are most known for.

Antario and Derricka have created various programs to assist in the community, from college scholarships and grants for high school seniors to their financial literacy tour in inner-city high schools educating students on finances and credit that may have not otherwise been taught, and even monthly giveaway events that assisted in covering the cost of rent, mortgage or groceries in lower wealth communities that required aide but were not eligible. So, it was no surprise when the pandemic hit in February of 2020, that the Harwells once again were striving to create a way to assist families who were suffering.

After creating an account for grocery deliveries using a mainstream company, the Harwells agreed that Derricka would utilize her large social media following requesting for families who were in need of food (specifically groceries) to reach out, & each month for the next 17 months, they’ve assisted approximately 17 to 18 families (monthly), totaling over 250 families to date, with a total cost exceeding $200,000. When asked why they would make such a commitment to total strangers, Mr. Harwell’s response was, “Simple, we were once that family who was in need, so we just want to do what was never done for us.” He added that this was no easy task considering his wife is pregnant with their 7th child and was diagnosed with Hyperemesis Gravidarum, a life-threatening illness that causes her to be dependent on a stomach pump, a home IV, and around the clock the nurses and daily prescriptions. He goes on to say, “My wife remained relentless to serve the community, I believe her strongest days came from when we received pictures and videos of the families thanking us for assisting them.”

The Harwells stated that they will continue to serve the community, and they encourage anyone in need to please reach out to their website at BeautifyCredit.com for more assistance. They are firm believers that to whom much is given much is required and they’ve stated that their dedication to the community will never end.

For press inquiries, contact support@DerrickaHarwell.com