58-Year Old Nurse, Wife, Mother, and Grandmother Writes Her First Heart Moving Novel, “The Blood Factor – Book 1: A Multigenerational Saga”

Bookcover and author, Valerie Horton Quick

Nationwide — In The Blood Factor, the saga starts in 1861 in the small town of Plymouth, North Carolina. In this novel, the civil war ends and the no longer slaves find that there are still men who desire to keep them oppressed and enslaved, while others don’t mind them being free as long as they know they are not equal.58-year old author Valerie Horton Quick invites readers to take a journey with the Jones and Haughton family as they start on this trek. What started out to be a clear path of “you go your way and I go mine,” is now a tangled mess that “will take the good Lord to detangle.”

“Reading is my favorite hobby and I have read hundreds of books,” says Quick. “I never in a million years thought I had the time or inclination to write a novel. When I started, my biggest obstacle was feeling inadequate. Now, I have written what many who have read it, are calling a potential New York Times best seller.”

Three years after receiving the inspiration to write The Blood Factor, she was still back and forward with herself as to whether she could really accomplish this vision. She would write, sometimes stopping for months between writing, doubting that this vision could be accomplished. With the support of her husband of 31 years cheering her on every step of the way, she finally accomplishes what could only be described as a dream come true.

Quick feels strongly that you never know what your future holds and where life will take you. “Everyday, there is an opportunity to do something amazing, when you put God first.”

She is already writing the sequel to The Blood Factor, as many are anxiously awaiting. Her book and e-book can be found on Create Space, Amazon, Barnes and Nobles. Visit her website www.thebloodfactor.net, send an email to valquick@thebloodfactor.net, tweet her Valerie Quick @thebloodfactor, or like her book on Facebook. She is anxiously awaiting your feedback and looks forward to sharing more stories with you.


Valerie Horton Quick



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