Black Doctor Accused of Paying Off Female Judges to Pervert Judgment in Divorce Case

Nationwide — Dr. Barbara Tennille Crawford (Lewis), a licensed medical practitioner from Las Vegas, Nevada, is being accused of perverting the cause of justice after she allegedly paid two female judges to influence the proceedings of the court handling the divorce case with her ex-husband. She is accused of paying over half a million dollars in bribes to turn the tables of the court proceedings in her favor.In what could be considered a breakthrough for her, the court ruled in Dr. Barbara’s favor which would allow her to pay a small amount of alimony. The court ruling also saw her forcefully take over a company she and her husband co-owned. The law firm she contacted to handle her divorce case hired a company that devalued her and her husband’s company. The devaluation of the company brought its numbers to zero and this made it not possible for Dr. Barbara to buy out her husband’s shares in their company without spending a dime.

According to news sources, the shady act had been discovered after an external body was contracted to audit the company. In a recent development, it was also reportedly discovered that Dr. Barbara’s and ex-husband’s company grossed in about $30,000 to $40,000 every month and that Dr. Barbara’s law firm allegedly hired a company to falsify and forge facts so that she could take over the company.

This divorce case was allegedly so full of corruption and fraud that the ex-husband’s attorney walked away from the case and said “someone” is getting paid off. This case has been reported to The Attorney General, FBI, Medical Board, and over ten different government agencies for an investigation.

An initiative has been set up calling for the ban of Dr. Barbara’s medical license.

For more information about this case, please visit RipOffReport.com

Also, become a part of the movement seeking the debarring of Dr. Barbara’s medical license by visiting Ban-DrBarbaraTennilleLewisMedicalLicense.com

For press inquiries, contact Kathy Hill at biagency21@gmail.com



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