Washington, DC — In the age of social media challenges that normally revolve around a dance, dangerous daredevil challenges, or pure fun, The Adinkra Group, an African cultural resource company based in Washington, DC has launched the #400YearChallenge – a creative awareness campaign to draw attention to the 400 year anniversary of the first enslaved Africans’ arrival in the US in 1619, and the importance of people of African descent traveling to Africa.The Adinkra Group has teamed up with the Creative Junkfood Arts Agency to create the #400YearChallenge, an interactive opportunity for people to apply their own creative spin to a 60-second animation depicting the story of African people over the past 400 years, and encouraging Black people to make a pilgrimage back to Africa – specifically Ghana.
The short film is accompanied only by marking sound effects, which provide a blank slate for creatives to develop their own 60-second audio score for the animation. A panel will review the submissions and two #400YearChallenge participants will be awarded a free trip with The Adinkra Group to Ghana for Afrochella in December 2019.
The Adinkra Group has been a force in the movement to reconnect African people throughout the diaspora – specifically to Ghana. The creation and launch of the #400YearChallenge adds to that growing list and widening impact.
The #400YearChallenge is posted on Birthrightmovement.com and on The Adinkra Group’s YouTube and Instagram page. Let’s use the power of social media to uplift and challenge our people to be as great as the legacy from which they descend.
Watch the video below to learn more about the #400YearChallenge:
What: #400YearChallenge
When: Through June 30, 2019
Where: BirthRightMovement.com
How: Challenge contestants should send their audio entry to info@theadinkragroup.com with their name and phone number.
Denisha Henry