Black Community Upset Because NBA Star Derrick Rose Won’t Sell His Trump Tower Condo

Nationwide — Many African Americans are reportedly upset that NBA star Derrick Rose refuses to sell his luxury condo that he owns at the 98-story Trump Tower in downtown Chicago. They insist that those who support Donald Trump’s businesses are also in support of his presidency and his policies.But 28-year old Rose says that he bought the place well before Donald Trump was even a presidential candidate. And he’s right!

According to the Washington Post, Rose paid $2.8 million for his three bedroom, four-bath, 3,102-square-foot condo on the 84th floor of the Trump building in downtown Chicago just before he signed a $95 million contract extension with the Bulls in 2012.

Rose comments, “I stay out of the political world… His beliefs are his beliefs… The reason why I kept my place is I felt like that’s a great location. I felt no one can tell me where to sell my property and how to sell it. I felt like I can make a helluva profit down the line, if I want to sell it or don’t want to.”

“The location is so great, I can keep it in my family for generations,” he adds.

Meanwhile, other NBA players and teams have a much more aggressive viewpoint about patronizing Trump’s businesses. According to ESPN.com, the Milwaukee Bucks, the Memphis Grizzlies and the Dallas Mavericks have all annouced that they will be moving away from Trump hotels in New York City and Chicago, which bear Donald Trump’s name through a licensing agreement.

In response, Rose said, “I understand both sides. If you’re a team and you have beliefs and you stand by your beliefs, you have every right to want to stay where you want to stay.”

But Rose insists that if he ever did sell his condo, it would be to profit from his investment if the market rises in the future, but not because of Trump.



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