Major Breakthrough For Women — Black-Owned Innovative Company Raises Hair From the Dead!

Nationwide — A four-month old African American-owned company has created a nationwide frenzy with its all-natural internal hair regrowth products. These products are helping women (and men) who have lost hair for numerous reasons to grow hair again “like wild weeds!”The company is called MyFlowIndustry, created by Dr. Malikah Murphy who is also the CEO, and they have quickly made their mark in the $500 billion dollar hair care industry. Their over-night success is due to the remarkable results that both women and men are experiencing with their products, which by the way have no chemical ingredients and are totally drinkable — just like lemonade or tea.

According to Raven L. Mahdee, a representative of the company, MyFlowIndustry, has experienced massive success early due to the unique fact that once their customer grow hair again, they don’t have to keep drinking the product in fear of losing their hair. If they discontinue using the product, their hair will remain – unlike what happens a lot with other chemical-laced hair products on the market.

Mahdee says he knew these products were going to be a huge success because hairstylists and barbers were calling him and still do, up to four times a day. “They are calling,” he says, “inquiring about the products because they have clients who have used the products and were coming to the salon and barber shops with unbelievable hair regrowth.”

Not available at major retailers

The product has caught the attention of major retailers, but Dr. Murphy has made the decision to not go into stores with the products. Instead, she is allow African-American entrepreneurs and others to become independent business owners within the company and give them the opportunity to build a profitable business by sharing the products with their family, friends and others.

And her idea has worked! According to Mahdee, the company has already recruited over 3,000 independent business owners in four short months of being in business. They range from stay-at-home moms to lawyers to doctors to other professional and blue collar workers, and all are profiting in nine different ways as an independent business owner with the parent company.

The company is also allowing teens to become independent business owners, and the only requirements are that they must be 16-years old and have their parent’s or guardian’s permission.

Overwhelming positive feedback

Mahdee says positive testimonies are pouring into the corporate office daily from women and men expressing their appreciation and their excitement about selling the products. He says that after speaking with some of the African American Independent Business owners within the company, the biggest reason why they decided to come on-board was because they love the company’s story. “They feel good,” he says, “to be a part of a company that is owned by an African American woman who could have easily went retail but considered the economic situation of African Americans, and created a business model for them that requires no experience or college education. The only thing required is sharing the products.”

For more information about the company, MyFlowIndustry, and/or the products, visit http://doforself.flgpro.com


Raven L. Mahdee



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