A 2015 study showed that the increase in international Black travel would continue to increase.
Washington DC — The rise in African American travel over the past 6 years due to increased education and income led to the creation of travel companies, such as Travel Noire, NoMadness and Tastemakers Africa. “Although international travel for African Americans is rising, there still seems to be a gap left in the market,” Paris Taylor, I.C.E.Many travelers have already benefited from the development of the black travel movement. “When you speak to the tourism boards on the African continent, they will tell you that their market is middle aged, retired Europeans, so the industry is built around them,” Cherae Robinson, Tastemakers Africa.
“They are looking for Safari.”
They’ve tapped into a wave of African Americans wanting to see different representations of themselves, and people from elsewhere who want authentic experiences. The Real South Africa agrees with Cherae Robinson, that African American travelers are looking for more authentic experiences.
People are curious – the company’s emergence is the link between being curious and going there and experiencing it yourself.
The Real South Africa offers curated experiences for the traveler who seeks to know who they are traveling with prior to landing on the continent.
With authenticity, The Real South Africa, designed a luxury tour that offers itineraries that brings things African Americans care about most to their experiences. In doing so, The Real South Africa combines everyday travel with attention to detail, so travelers can enjoy the experience without compromising.
As Black Travel social networks and travel agencies grow their engagement, commercial partners are beginning to emerge. The Real South Africa has partnered with South African Tourism and is a member of the Association for the Promotion of Tourism to Africa.
The Real South Africa, is a luxury travel brand and has tour dates for August 2018-2019. All official dates are listed on their website. For more details, visit www.therealsouthafrica.com
About The Real South Africa
The Real South Africa is US-based travel company that is owned and operated by husband and wife entrepreneurs, Mark and Dr. LaTasha Blanton. Mark is an avid international traveler due to his prior careers in the U.S Army and United States Secret Service. The Blanton’s have conducted trips to South Africa in small groups previously and decided to expand to a greater audience since the selling of their primary business in early 2018. Their focus is to deliver authentic intimate experiences that are full of luxury, culture and couture.
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The Real South Africa
Mark Blanton and LaTasha R. Blanton