Black Woman-Owned Company Launches Innovative Diaper Bag For Moms Disguised as a Handbag

A new crowdsourcing campaign for a patented handbag could help solve the problems for busy moms on the go!

The Darling & Co. + MinkeeBlue Diaper Bag Collaboration is a stylish and functional diaper bag that transitions from baby bag to work bag.

Philadelphia, PA — Two African American women entrepreneurs, Sherrill Mosee, founder of MinkeeBlue Organizational Travel Bags and Tara Darnley, co-founder of Darlyng and Co, have launched a crowdsourcing campaign to help raise $15,000 for the first round of production of their new Darlyng and Co. Diaper Bag.The campaign has already launched on iFundWomen and will continue through August 15th. On the first three days of the campaign, the bags will be on sale for $109. The next three days, they will be priced at $129. Afterwards, the bags will sell for a retail price of $150.

The new Darlyng and Co. Diaper Bags are scheduled to hit the market this fall. (Watch the YouTube video to see how the bags work!)

Darlyng & Co was founded to give parents one less thing to worry about when it comes to caring for their baby. The company produces functional, toxin-free products that are beautiful. For women who carry three bags to work, MinkeeBlue was designed. These highly functional travel and lifestyle bags provide organization and fashion for busy women whose role changes throughout the day.

How the idea was born

“We met in 2015 at a baby show both vending and decided to keep in touch. We did! We became great friends over the years through the connection of our entrepreneurial journey. I had purchased Sherrill’s diaper bag back then and absolutely loved it and wore it everywhere. So when she told me she was discontinuing her diaper bag selection I wasn’t too happy about it. However, I understood that it was better for the pivot of her company to do so. When I had my second child, it became daunting and a bit difficult to carry the traditional diaper bags for two children. Sherrill’s bag designs are all about organization and convenience. So I asked her to design us a diaper bag that would be practical for me to use with my two little ones, would be functional to go to a business meeting/ work or an overnight trip. She executed my request exceeding my imagination,” says Tara.

She adds, “Beyond creating this amazing backpack, the power of showing that two women can indeed work together without competing was important for us to show and inspire other women to do the same. We can get much further when we collaborate, and this project is proof of that.”

“We’ve gain press attention even before launching from Black Enterprise, and major retailers are already interested in carrying our backpack! But even more important is the support and outpour of love that we’ve received from other women. It has been nothing short of incredible. With your help, we are excited to bring this product to market and change the way women view and feel about their diaper bags,” she concludes.

For more information about the diaper bags, visit www.darlyngandco.com or support their iFundWomen campaign at www.ifundwomen.com/projects/darlyng-co-minkeeblue-diaperwork-bag-collab

Watch their story below:


Tara Darnley



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