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Tuesday, December 7, 2021

New Black Business App Taps into the Superhero in All of Us

The Black Biz App

Nationwide — Superheroes emerge out of crisis situations. This can be seen in the Black Panther film when T’Challa was faced with the crisis surrounding Wakanda. T’Challa became the “Superhero” when he tapped into the power of his humaneness and was willing to share the richness of Wakanda with each individual in the world. There is no doubt most Black Businesses in America and the world for that matter are marginalized at best and suffer from a lack of resources for their survival. The BLACKBiz App, when utilized in a communal fashion, becomes the answer to our troubles because it ignites the “Superhero” in us.

The BLACKBiz App is a business engine fueled by a collaboration that will provide access to capital, business development and digital exposure for black business owners. BLACKBiz has created a platform (web and app experience) that integrates resources and collaborates with many Black-led organizations of excellence with shared synergies, passion, and mission objectives.

The motto is “Together We Are The Answer!” The founders recognize, “It’s time to become our own Superheroes…no one is coming to save us.” The strategic approach stands firm on the acknowledgment that therein is true power in the communal approach. Communalism is our ancestral economic system where all members of our community share in the common good.

Starting later this month, BLACKBiz will begin its business registration phase with a “Holiday Blitz” campaign and invites Black entrepreneurs to register at a special price, only $1.99 at www.BLACKBiz.app. The app has partnered with the BLACKBiz Foundation, a 501(c)3 non-profit entity, to harness the power of a mobile app and web technology to build community and consensus while helping entrepreneurs build generational wealth. Once registered, your business will become part of our integrated, global directory. Moreover, business members will have access to capital through various forms of lending and grants; access to platforms for business development, scholarships, and a variety of other resources to help your business become successful.

The public launch, scheduled for early 2022, will release BLACKBiz App, accessible for both Android and Apple iPhones that will connect with conscientious consumers and people of goodwill the world over, to locate and purchase products and services from all professions and industries. The platform enables users to find businesses, save money, and earn rewards for increasing the circulation of the Black dollar.

For more information, go to BLACKBizFoundation.org.

For press inquiries, contact Gina Diggs at (757) 338-8199 or Tolson Banner at (202) 413-6431.