In New Book “Circle of Stone,” Determined African Americans Fight Racial Oppression Using Clever Tactics!

Bookcover and author, Verne Jackson

Nationwide — Tired. Just tired. The Black community of small West Steward, Arkansas was just tired of living with fear every single day. Tired of the daily insults, physical abuse, and worse, the ever present possibility of the lynching of a loved one or neighbor.What to do?

A group of determined African Americans in depression era Arkansas formed a small highly secret group in an effort to deal with their long-standing problem. They named their group The Circle, and vowed to find a secret way to fight against racial oppression in their small area of the south.

The Circle began to use clever tactics that finally began to protect the negro community for the very first time – and started to “scare the hell out of the white folks!”

The success of The Circle endeavors is a moving testament to the power of educated activism and the strength of taking a unified stand before the much later National Civil rights movement even began in earnest.

Book Details:
The Circle
By Verne Jackson
Published by Third World Press
Available on Amazon or Barnes & Noble


About the Author
Verne Jackson has written for Chicago Magazine. She is a former recipient of the Penny Missouri Award for Best Fiction in a Smaller Magazine, and currently lives in Chicago.


Verne Jackson



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