Entrepreneur Takes Lessons From Black Millionaires and Launches Virtual Network & Mastermind

Nationwide — After interviewing and developing relationships with Black millionaires over the last 16 years, Brother Bedford has taken their lessons, mindsets, habits, behaviors and launched The Masters of Business Network & Mastermind, a virtual community that provides a space for Black entrepreneurs to share, learn and grow with brothers and sisters from around the world.Bro. Bedford, best-selling author and advisor to entrepreneurs and business owners, believes entrepreneurship is the answer to curtail the serious economic and social problems we have in our community. He is not alone.

According to the recent McKinsey Report, “Automation and Artificial Intelligence will disrupt — meaning kill or replace — 4.5 million jobs held by African Americans by 2030.” The report goes on to say further that, “African American workers are at a 10% higher risk to losing their jobs from automation than the general population.”

On top of this dire forecast, millions of Black people are already unemployed and millions more are underemployed working in jobs they hate and that can’t provide enough income to pay the bills.

With the help, guidance, and support of many Black millionaires and other successful entrepreneurs and business owners, Brother Bedford has launched this virtual platform to help ambitious black entrepreneurs solve those issues.

Members of The Masters of Business have been excited to learn the mindsets, habits, behaviors & strategies from millionaires and thought leaders.

Audrey Muhammad, CEO of Virtue Today Magazine said, “Being in the Masters of Business has been a game-changer for me. It helps me level up and stay focused on my goals because everyone in the group thinks big and aims high. The support is wonderful!”

“The M.O.B. is one of the best investments I’ve committed to,” said Cheryl Parks, from Sales Growth Coach. “The elevated conversation and action steps provided have moved me from implementation to execution! I’m a M.O.B. star for life!”

Brother Bedford says that the solution to developing Black entrepreneurs is to have an immersive environment. “Training, coaching, networking, and masterminding are key,” he says. “It also helps to have millionaires and successful entrepreneurs giving you guidance. That’s why I’ve created the M.O.B.”

To learn more about The Masters of Business, visit TheMobMastermind.com

For press inquiries, contact brobedford@brobedford.com



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