“BroVember” Campaign Encourages Black Men Around the World to Grow Beards to Raise Money to Empower Young Black Boys

Nationwide — This November, Lite it Up Beard Oil is putting a new spin on BroVember by donating money to organizations that support the healthy physical, emotional and spiritual development of young black boys.Typically in the month of November, men raise money for Prostate Cancer Research. However, in the United States, Black men are 25% more likely to develop prostate cancer than their white counterparts, yet are less likely to receive treatment due to access to care or financial resources, and benefit even less financially from mainstream campaigns.

“We’ve decided to take a spin on the month-long campaign that runs in November to focus on our youth instead,” notes Valerie Augustine, owner of the Lite It Up brand.

The BroVember campaign aims to support organizations that enhance the life skills of young black boys and build the community by giving them access to new opportunities. This, in turn, gives them the ability to choose their own paths so they don’t feel limited.

The initiative will start November 1st and continue until the end of the month. Lite it Up Beard Oil will be donating $2 of each bottle sold to the initiative.

Lite it Up will also be accepting donations for the initiative and providing more information to anyone interested in getting involved. The following organizations will benefit from the month-long campaign: Black Daddies Club, Cave of Abdullah and the Black Health Alliance to name a few.


About Lite It Beard Oil
Lite it Up Beard Oil is a subsidiary of Lite it Up Candles, Body, and Spa specializing in scented, self care, and body maintenance products using all-natural products ingredients. Lite it Up is located at 73 Kensington Avenue in Kensington Market in Toronto, Canada. To learn more, visit www.liteitupbodyspa.com or contact us at 647-704-3009


About Mappdom International
Mappdom International is a privately owned boutique marketing company specializing in profit generating social media, digital marketing, virality and growth hacking for small businesses, celebrities and top name brands. To learn more, visit www.mappdom.com or contact us 1-866-826-1126

Offical Website Address and Social Media for BroVember:
@BlackBrovember and www.BlackBroVember.com


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