Nationwide — Building Instructional Capacity, a new educational book by educator and author, Dr. Stanley T. Crawford, could be the ultimate solution to increasing student learning and student achievement. At a time when solutions to increasing student achievement are being discussed, this bookshows education leaders at the district and campus levels a model to achieve, just that.In the book, after discussing the importance of leadership, Dr. Crawford presents the three key strategies on how to build instructional capacity. There are many actionable components for education leaders to follow, and his book, education leaders at the district and campus levels.
Book Details:
Building Instructional Capacity
By Stanley T. Crawford, Ed.D.
ISBN: 9781329913080
Published: 3/18/2016
Available online at Amazon (
About the Author:
Dr. Crawford is also the author of Cinquains: Volume 1, a children’s book. He can be found on social media at the following links:
For more information about Building Instructional Capacity, to schedule him as a keynote speaker, or to schedule an interview, please contact Dr. Crawford at 972-979-0193 or email him at