Black Physicist Enters the 7th Week of His Hunger Strike for Racial Justice

Nationwide — Meet Charles Michael Able, a Black Physicist who is entering the 7th week of a Hunger Strike to demand legislative action on racial justice by the United States Congress. He comments, “If in fact, we agree that Black people are disproportionately injured and killed because of these policies, then we need national legislation” to enact:• A National Ban on Choke Holds
• A National Ban on No-Knock Warrants
• A Congressional Vote on Reparations Remedy Bill – HR 40 by both houses of Congress

Able says that his family is one of millions of Black families that have been negatively impacted for generations due to systemic racism, inequality in the workplace, unconstitutional laws, bias policies, and racism in the justice system. “This harm has been financial, emotional, and physical. From the time my grandfather struggled to find a good-paying job to provide for his family and out of necessity had to migrate from the south to the north, in order to work and live.”

Mr. Able grew up in Baltimore, Maryland, the son of Mr. Douglas Milton Able, Jr. and Blanche Elizabeth Able, the third born of his six brothers and sisters. Able’s mother is his greatest inspiration, who told him, “Try to do one thing each day to make a difference in someone’s life.” He says that lives by his mother’s inspirational words and works hard every day to make a difference. He comments, “I am sacrificing my body to bring attention to the urgency to pass laws banning these policies that overwhelmingly result in the injury and death of African Americans.”

“No one knows my name, outside of a small group of colleagues, friends, and family. I need others, more notable than me, to step up and join in this Hunger Strike for Racial Justice. Lives hang in the balance. We must have national legislation to end these policies that result in Black people being killed and injured. I can’t do it alone,” Able states.

Able, FACR is a former Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology Physics at Wake Forest School of Medicine and the former Director of Medical Physics at Florida Cancer Specialists. Able states, “I have spent over thirty years as a Cancer Researcher and Clinical Medical Physicist treating cancer patients. My goal was to help save the lives of cancer patients through the use of technology and physics. Now I am working to help save Black lives by petitioning the US Congress to pass legislation.

Mr. Able is chronicling his Hunger Strike through the Boom Publishing & Broadcasting, Inc. website, his YouTube channel, and on Twitter. He is encouraging others to join him in this endeavor for racial justice.

Able’s Hunger Strike:
Week 1 – Fruit Juice
Week 2 thru 8 – Spring Water with lemon or honey
Week 9 & 10 – Fruit Juice

For more information on Mr. Able and his Hunger Strike for Racial Justice:

YouTube Videos tracking the Hunger Strike:

Boom Publishing Website/Blog:

Twitter: Charles Michael Able – @einsteinpluto, #hungerstrikeforracialjustice

For press inquiries, contact Jamilya McRae at 678-492-3780 or jmcraeconsulting@gmail.com



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