Conscious Humanity Inc. Presents Brother Ishmael Tetteh, the Mystic of West Africa

Nationwide — “Imagine 25 years from now we have a world filled with adults who were raised without fear or anger, who enjoy their uniqueness and differences. This is a world of peace and we can start creating that world now.” Brother Ishmael Tetteh, believes that such a world is possible.Brother Ishmael is a businessman turned Spiritual Leader of the Etherean Mission a trans-denominational metaphysical organization dedicated to self-awareness and study of the natural sciences in Ghana. He has devoted his life to the transformation of the human consciousness through the organic principles of nature and believes that the peace of the future lie in the children of today.

Brother Ishmael’s charismatic presence has graced the podiums around the world. From the New Thought Alliance in South Africa, the Assoc. for Global New Thought in Italy, to many U.S. churches and organizations throughout the East and West Coast. Many lives have been changed by his teachings of soul purpose, world peace and potentiality through the principles of nature. He will be on Tour in the U.S. from May 14 – June 17 speaking on Organic Spiritual the Pathway to Peace.

In his movement for world peace, Brother Ishmael developed “Growing the Empowered Child.”™ Growing the Empowered Child™ is a book and program designed to raise children without anger or fear, who are able to recognize and celebrate the uniqueness of themselves and of every other person they encounter. When this is accomplished, we have cultivated a powerful and peaceful child whose only weapon is love. This is certainly the formula for peace and progress for all humanity.

The “Growing the Empowered Child”™ program identifies the root causes of anger and fear in children, starting with the labels they grow up with, and replaces them with positive reinforcement and a unique technique that keeps the child from reverting back to the old programming. The target ages for the Growing the Empowered Child™ program are children from the ages of five to seventeen. There are sixteen modules filled with various types of games and exercises to empower children while building confidence, empowerment and a positive vision for their world.

Growing the Empowered Child™ has been used incorporated successfully with the youth of the Etherean Mission and one school in Accra, Ghana. Plans are now underway to build the first Growing the Empowered Child™ School. Games and techniques from the Growing the Empowered Child™ program have been incorporated in schools and various programs in the United States.

Brother Ishmael has published over twenty-five books including the “The Way Forward,” eighteen principles to radically change your way of thinking, living and being to bring about a life of harmony, peace and success and, “Essential Life Education,” a powerful book into the self-discovery of how understanding your gender, your persona images and power of your senses can transform all of your relationships and your life. He has also developed tools and seminars for stimulating creativity, mental and emotional cleansing and self-healing. Popular seminar topics and keynote speaking engagements include, Growing the Empowered Child, Organic Spirituality, Your Essential Life Education, African Spirituality: Your Journey to Peace.

Appearing in Metaphysical Films such as “Ghetto Physics” and “Three Magic Words” and fully embracing the Social Media, Brother Ishmaels’s teachings are now transforming lives globally.

In addition to a Special Congressional Award for outstanding and invaluable service throughout the international community, he has been awarded Mayoral Proclamations from the cities of Santa Monica and San Francisco in California

Those who know Brother Ishmael enjoy the magnificence of his spirit and warm, loving presence. His truths and teachings are filled with divine wisdom and healing, which move people deeply and bring about profound transformations.

His current U.S. engagements include:


May 17th – Heart & Soul Center of Light, www.heartsoulcenter.org Location: 1001 42nd Street, Oakland, 94608 510-250-2082 Speaker : Service: 8:45 AM & 11:00 AM Workshop: Ancestral Healing Power 1:30 PM

May 23rd – A Day with Brother Ishmael: Organic Spirituality: Nature’s Transmutation Works 10:00 AM-4:00 PM
Location: East Bay Church of Religious Science, 4130 Telegraph Avenue, Oakland, 94609

May 24th – East Bay Church of Religious Science www.ebcrs.org
Location: 4130 Telegraph Avenue, Oakland, 94609 (510) 420-1003 Speaker: Service: 8:45 AM & 11:00 AM


May 31st – Agape Int’l Spiritual Center www.agapelive.com
Location: 5700 Buckingham Pkwy, Culver City, 90230 (310) 348-1250 Speaker: Service: 6:55 AM, 9:00 AM & 11:30 AM

June 13th – A Day with Brother Ishmael Organic Spirituality: Nature’s Transmutation Works 10:00 AM-4:00 PM
Location: Agape Int’l Spiritual Center 5700 Buckingham Pkwy, Culver City, 90230

June 17th – Agape Int’l Spiritual Center www.agapelive.com
Location: 5700 Buckingham Pkwy, Culver City (310) 348-1250 Speaker: Service: 7:15 PM


June 7th – Inner Light Ministries, www.innerlightministries.com
Location: 5630 Soquel Drive, Soquel 950073 831-465-9090 Speaker: Service: 10:45 AM
Workshop: Following Service Topic: TBD


For interviews and appearances in your community, contact conscioushumanity@gmail.com or 323-800-2566.

Conscious Humanity is the U.S. base for the teachings of Brother Ishmael Tetteh. For more information on Brother Ishmael please visit www.conscioushumanity.com or www.ethereanlife.com

View him on YouTube at: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Satr9gJQuaU or www.youtube.com/watch?v=vH5spETVAeE



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