Don Lewis
Nationwide — Don Lewis is a double Harvard graduate and a former partner at Pierce Bainbridge Beck Price & Hecht LLP. He says he blew the whistle on financial misconduct, and the law firm set on a path to destroy him with the support of Putney Twombly Hall & Hirson LLP (Michael D. Yim) and Littler Mendelson PC (Sylvia Jeanine Conley). The objective of “Team Pierce” was apparently to cover-up for the shady financial dealings of John Pierce, the Pierce Bainbridge boss.Lewis says the firm is: “essentially robbing Peter to pay Paul.”
The $1 Billion Pierce Bainbridge Misrepresentation
Lewis also says Pierce Bainbridge is “built on smoke and mirrors.” The decision of a federal court judge in Pennsylvania appears to support Lewis’ story. Here is a timeline.
* May 2018: John Pierce and Carolynn Beck pen a memo to an investor – Pravati Capital LLC – claiming that a case has a prospective value of $1 billion dollars.
* June 2018: Pierce Bainbridge goes on massive hiring spree.
* July 2018: Pierce Bainbridge “announces explosive growth in New York”
* September 2018: Federal Judge Anita B. Brody say she has not seen a “scintilla of a case from PB.”
* December 2018: A publicly filed e-mail shows the prior lawyer on the case was willing to settle for $400,000. The prior lawyer had been on the case for 16 months.
* December 2018: $400,000 is $999,600,000 less the $1,000,000,000.
* September 2019: Justice Brody throws the case out on “summary judgment”. The case did not even make it to trial. Pierce’s client was awarded zero dollars from the Court.
The case was related the Gears of War video game. A leading legal journal headline reads: “Microsoft Gets Quick Win in Suit Over Gears of War Character.”
Lewis said: “No one should be surprised by this, not even Pierce Bainbridge.”
This federal judge’s decision does not help the law firm’s credibility profile. Nor do Lewis’ recent claims that partners Christopher N. LaVigne and Denver G. Edwards lied in sworn affidavits, potentially a felony. (LaVigne represented President Donald Trump ally, George Papadopoulos, who did time for lying in the Mueller-Russia probe; LaVigne also represents CNN’s Don Lemon.)
Lewis concluded: “John Pierce lied about fictitious sexual misconduct to cover-up for illicit financial activity. My former partners supported Team Pierce, but now claim they have no responsibility. They want the title, they definitely want the money, but they don’t want the responsibility. That’s just not right.”
*** The Pierce Bainbridge Defendants – Lewis’ former partners – include: Amman Khan, Andrew Lorin, Caroline Polisi, Carolynn K. Beck, Christopher N. LaVigne, Conor McDonough, Craig Bolton, David L. Hecht, Doug Curran, Eric M. Creizman, James D. Bainbridge, John Mark Pierce, Jonathan Sorkowitz, Maxim Price, Melissa Madrigal, Mike Pomerantz and Patrick Bradford ***
Neal Brickman, Esq
The Brickman Law Group