— The 5th annual Liberated Minds Black Homeschool and Education Expo will be held in Atlanta, Georgia on July 15-17, 2016 —
13-year old youthpreneur, Saadaya Karmo,who frequents the Liberated Minds Black Homeschool and Education Expo yearly, markets her all-natural skincare products to an enthusiastic customer.
Atlanta, GA — On the weekend of July 15-17, one can experience Dr. Claud Anderson, one of the foremost sought-after speakers on entrepreneurship, author of Powernomics and president of The Harvest Institute, a nationally recognized think tank that does research, policy development, education and advocacy to increase the self-sufficiency of Black America. Dr. Anderson will do a first of its kind live web address to Black homeschoolers, parents, and educators on developing the economic empowerment of Black children at the 2016 5th annual Liberated Minds Black Homeschool and Education Expo in Atlanta taking place at The Georgia Piedmont Technical College Conference Center.According to Queen Taese, the founder of The Annual Liberated Minds Black Homeschool and Education Expo, “The future of Black people depends on how we mentally groom our children surrounding money and wealth. We cannot only focus on our great African legacy that once was; our children must be equipped with the necessary mindset and skills, in order to be completely prepared to bring economic wealth and Black cultural prosperity to our communities.”
As a homeschooling mother for 20 years, she further states, “We can no longer allow our children to be educated for economic servitude for a system that consistently overlooks the basic needs of Black people and thrives on subjugation. We can teach our children every subject in the book, yet if effective Black economic literacy and practices are not implemented, we will remain at the whim of every other race and continue to see the destruction of our children and families, as well as the erosion of our neighborhoods.” Her statement highlights the importance of Claud Anderson’s legacy and how vital his upcoming lecture is for Black parents seeking to effectively educate our children.
Dr. Claud Anderson will give this live web address, which will also be broadcasted internationally via internet, over a Sunday Brunch at The 5th Anniversary Liberated Minds Black Homeschool and Education Expo, a proven Black economic hub of Empowerment for Black Businesses that services the educational needs of Black homeschoolers, parents, and educators. In addition, there will be some of the country’s most prominent Black entrepreneurs and educators such as Delxino and Deborah Wilson de Briano of Tag Team Marketing, Chike Akua of Success Quest Bootcamp, Aunkh Aakhu of Better Marketing Mastery, Michael Imhotep of the African History Network, Samori Camara of The Warrior Start Up, and DJ Jordan from Us Lifting Us, all under one roof. The focus areas will be The Keys to Successful Entrepreneurship, Family Financial Abundance, and How to Rear Black Children into Conscious Millionaires.
The Liberated Minds Black Homeschool and Education Expo provides all weekend training and workshops that focus on how to best cultivate Black children, as well as powerful networking, and a multitude of Black exhibitors with everything from Black books, curriculum materials, enrichment programs, and other resources that assist in “Cultivating the Genius in Black Children”, which is the theme of this year’s expo. For more information, one can visit www.liberatedmindsexpo.com or call 678-368-8593.
Liberated Minds Black Homeschool and Education Expo