— Hardcore Love Relationship Book Sparks Heated Debate —
New York, NY — The only thing more startling than D.W. Leonard’s 6 foot 7 inch frame is what comes out of his mouth. The love activist and author of the motivation, self-discovery book, HARDCORE LOVE: Getting the Life, Love & Relationship You Want, boldly states that it’s impossible for a man to cheat on a woman.When pressed to explain the statement, Leonard flashes a charming, boyish smile before suggesting that every woman should read his book. The author and director of the Off Broadway stage plays, “In Black & White,” “I Can Do Bad by Myself,” and “I’m Every Woman,” has now turned his provocative theatrical eye toward the literary world.
The new book guides readers using the HARDCORE LOVE Philosophy. Anyone seeking love will learn to identify their relationship issues and why they hit dead ends instead of the altar. HARDCORE LOVE teaches you to:
* Love yourself first
* Understand your love receptors and your 7 Emotional Pillars of Love
* Love in a state of total confidence
* Move past desire and reach your relationship’s highest point
“All of my plays are about the passion and conflict of relationship. This book was a natural next step,” says the gentle giant.
Passion and conflict seem to be right up Leonard’s alley. Dr. Love, as he is called by his social media faithful, regularly gives his opines. His thoughts are quite incendiary, like his ideas that physical appearance means very little to men and that any woman can get any man she wants. Not all agree with his radical views and some of the opposition is quite vocal. “I’ve been called a few names,” he recalls.
Dr. Love says that he enjoys talking to women, especially those who disagree with him. True to its author, this book is going to provide readers with plenty of riveting conversation.
About 4th of July Entertainment
4TH OF JULY ENTERTAINMENT (4OJ) is a multi-media, entertainment, and production company that showcases the inspirational, critically acclaimed work of D.W. Leonard. 4OJ began in the year 2000, producing stage- plays Off-Broadway. D.W.’s outrageous material targets audiences who enjoy reality based comedy with wit, wisdom and social commentary. 4OJ’s goal is to entertain audiences with books, stage-plays and films that leave viewers laughing out loud, emotionally moved with new ideas about Life. For more information, visit www.4thofjulyent.com
Jai Cupid
4th of July Entertainment