Black Teen From Louisiana Graduates With 3.9 GPA Despite Being Homeless

Nationwide — Meet Elijah Hogan, a 19-year-old African American student from New Orleans, Louisiana, who has graduated as valedictorian while facing homelessness. Living in a shelter didn’t stop him from being at the top of his class, even during the challenges of remote learning in 2020.“It’s been tough and rough, had a few trips and falls down, [but] I’m alright,” Hogan told Good Morning America.

Hogan credits his success to the support he received from Covenant House and his school, Walter L. Cohen High School. He expressed gratitude for his teachers, fellow students, and staff, saying, “Without them, I wouldn’t have been where I’m at now as a valedictorian.”

With an impressive GPA of 3.93, Hogan shares the title of valedictorian with one other student from the class of 2024 at Walter L. Cohen High School. During his graduation speech, he expressed heartfelt gratitude to his community.

Looking back on his high school journey, Hogan said he initially felt nervous but eventually formed strong bonds. He deeply appreciates the guidance of Jana DeCoster, the director of student activities at Cohen, and Jarkayla Cobb, his case worker at Covenant House.

DeCoster praised Hogan’s gratitude, noting how rare it is for students to thank their supporters publicly. Cobb saw Hogan’s growth, describing him as initially shy but now confident and articulate.

Hogan, a fan of Marvel and Stan Lee, enjoys reading nonfiction and creating art. He is set to start a new chapter at Xavier University of Louisiana, where he plans to major in graphic design.

For students aiming to follow his path, Hogan advises to prioritize education.

“There is a time and place where you can have fun, but try to keep yourself organized on some of your education as well, because without your education, you will not be able to get through the hardships and meet the people that helped you along the way,” Hogan said.



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