Three Employees at an Assisted Living Facility Allegedly Ran a Fight Club With Dementia Patients

Winston-Salem, NC — Three female employees at Danby House, an assisted living facility in North Carolina, are facing assault charges for allegedly organizing and filming fights between elderly dementia patients.Marilyn Latish McKey, who is 32-year old, Tonacia Yvonne Tyson, who is 20-year old, and Taneshia Deshawn Jordan, who is 26-year old, are accused of running a fight club with the patients under their care.

According to reports, McKey once pushed a 73-year old woman into her room at the facility. Tyson and Jordan did not help and even filmed the fight, police said.

In another incident, the 73-year old woman started a fight with a 70-year old woman. The three women apparently only watched and even encouraged it while filming.

Investigations started in June when police received a tip about elder abuse at the Danby House wherein an elderly resident was allegedly shoved by an employee. However, no injuries were found.

Moreover, the three employees were fired immediately and the facility’s administrators are cooperating with the police.

“Danby House has a zero-tolerance policy for the mistreatment of those in our care,” the facility said in a statement. “Additional staff training and a more rigorous vetting process for all new and existing employees at Danby House has been implemented.”

Meanwhile, the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services ordered the facility to stop admitting residents in August after they found out that its conditions were “detrimental to the health and safety of the resident.”



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