Meet the Entrepreneur Helping HBCU Grads Get Hired For STEM Job Openings

Nationwide — It’s now easier than ever for HBCU graduates to find well-paying tech jobs thanks to a new website called STEAM Jobs. STEAM (an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) represents up to 75% of the college degrees that HBCU students are earning. However, job placement has been a challenge.According to Pew Research Center, “Black and Hispanic workers remain underrepresented in the science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) workforce compared with their share of all workers, including in computing jobs, which have seen considerable growth in recent years.”

The same article reports that “Black workers, who comprise 11% of total employment across all occupations, are 9% of STEM workers.”

“As a former HBCU graduate myself, I understand how hard it can be to earn a degree and still struggle to find a decent job,” says Dante Lee, creator of the website. “I decided to create this website to easily allow employers at STEM-based companies to find qualified and diverse job candidates.”

The website, which is 100% free to use for students and job seekers, features more than 50,000 job openings from hundreds of companies with relevant positions in the country. It also includes job openings from various government agencies and reputable non-profit organizations.

Lee says that the solution to the problem is not getting more African Americans to attend and graduate from college. “College attendance and graduation rates are high in our communities,” he says. “The ultimate solution is an online platform that better connects employers committed to diversity to Black talent with skills and experience in STEM fields, and that’s exactly what my team and I have created.”

To learn more about the website and/or to sign up for free job alerts, visit STEAMjobs.com

For press inquiries, contact info@steamjobs.com



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