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Tuesday, August 27, 2024

This Black Educator of 17 Years is Teaching School Districts How to Help Millions of Illiterate Students

Erica Battle

Nationwide — Erica Battle, an African American education thought leader with more than 17 years of experience, is proud to introduce two groundbreaking programs in response to the growing concerns over declining literacy rates and the critical need for adolescents to experience a sense of belonging and connection in today’s classrooms. They are the “A.R.E. You? Actively Reading and Engaging™” Annotation System and the “Who Are You? A Guide to Help Adolescents Navigate Through the Social and Emotional Issues of Life” Social Emotional Learning (SEL) program, and both are innovative solutions designed to not only enhance students’ reading skills but also to support their emotional well-being, fostering a more connected and engaged learning environment.

The “A.R.E. You? Actively Reading and Engaging™” Annotation System, developed by Erica, is a cutting-edge approach to literacy that empowers students to engage more deeply with texts. By encouraging active participation in reading, this system helps students improve comprehension and critical thinking skills, transforming them into more thoughtful and confident readers. This system supports readers from elementary school through adulthood and is perfect for readers at any stage of their journey.

“Literacy is at a crossroads,” said Erica Battle. “Students today are facing unprecedented challenges, not just in their ability to read, but in their capacity to connect with the material and with each other. The ‘A.R.E. You? Actively Reading and Engaging™’ Annotation System is designed to address these challenges head-on, making reading a more interactive and meaningful experience.”

Complementing this literacy initiative is the “Who Are You? A Guide to Help Adolescents
Navigate Through the Social and Emotional Issues of Life” SEL program, a unique program also
developed by Erica Battle. This program guides students through self-discovery activities that
promote self-awareness, empathy, and social connection. By integrating SEL into the
educational experience, “Who Are You?” helps students build the emotional skills necessary to
thrive both academically and personally.

“Students need more than just academic skills to succeed—they need to feel understood and
valued,” said Battle. “Who Are You?” is about more than just learning; it’s about creating a safe space where students can explore who they are and how they relate to the world around them.”

How School Districts Can Benefit:

Educators, schools, and districts are invited to explore how the “ARE You Actively Reading?” Annotation System and the “Who Are You?” SEL curriculum can transform classrooms and support holistic student success. To connect with Erica to learn more and how she and her team can support you send her an email at erica@lifechangesinprogress.com

Erica Battle is an educational consultant and education thought leader dedicated to improving student outcomes through innovative, research-based strategies. With a passion for empowering educators and fostering student success, Erica offers tools and resources that address both academic and emotional needs in today’s challenging educational environment.

For press inquiries, contact erica@lifechangesinprogress.com