Jacksonville, FL — Children everywhere are in for a tremendous adventure ride in Eve Pierre’s adventure book entitled Semi’s Magical Seahorse Adventure.
Semi’s Magical Seahorse Adventure is available both in a Kindle edition and paperback version. The Kindle edition costs $3.99 and is sold on Amazon at www.amazon.com/Semis-Magical-Seahorse-Adventure-Pierre-ebook/dp/B00N3XV5RS/. The paperback version costs $19.79 and can be purchased on Amazon.com, BarnesandNoble.com, BooksAMillion.com, and Bookstore.Xlibris.com.
About the Author:
Eve Pierre is a nurse, educator and a Life and business coach. She has a passion for creative writing and enjoys writing different genres; however, she derives more excitement from writing children’s books. Other books written by Eve include Play the Lotto and Win and Unleash the Powers with Prayer, which was ghost written for Ruth Woods.
R. Eve Pierre
(904) 553-0781