Grand Jury Decides Not to Indict Officer Darren Wilson in Michael Brown Shooting — Prosecutor Says “No Probable Cause”

Nationwide — After months of deliberation, the St. Louis County grand jury has decided not to indict 28-year old Officer Darren Wilson in the killing of 18-year old Michael Brown. The 12-person jury, that had been meeting in secret for months, was made up of nine whites and three Blacks. During their meetings, they supposedly analyzed the case in depth and even heard from Wilson himself, who gave testimony.But at a press conference held just outside Ferguson, MO, Bob McCulloch, the St. Louis County Prosecutor, said there was “no probable cause” to charge Wilson. “The duty of the grand jury is to separate fact from fiction,” he said.

The family of Michael Brown are obviously deeply disappointed. When the announcement was made, Brown’s mother, reportedly screamed, “I do want to meet with him [Bob McCulloch] right now. What do you mean no indictment?”

The family then released an official statement saying, “We are profoundly disappointed that the killer of our child will not face the consequence of his actions.” They urged others to “channel your frustration in ways that will make a positive change.”

Before the announcement was made, hundreds of anxious supporters gathered outside of the Ferguson police department for hours awaiting the decision. In order to maintain peace, Gov. Jay Nixon declared a state of emergency in Missouri, and activated the National Guard. He even assigned the Missouri State Highway Patrol to work with the St. Louis County Police Department and the St. Louis Metro Police Department as a “Unifed Command.”

Meanwhile, Wilson, who is on paid leave, has stayed out of the public eye since the shooting. He reportedly will not be returning to the force.



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