Novel Tells the Story of “Buttermilk Bottom” – A Once Vibrant African American Community

— A sizzling drama placed in a 1950’s historical cocoon that reveals the experiences, the lives, and personalities of those affected most by Jim Crow laws, legalized prejudice, and discrimination in the south. —

Bookcover and author, H. Victoria Hargro Atkerson

Philadelphia, PA — In Buttermilk Bottom, author H. Victoria Hargro Atkerson has written about a defunct, forbidden neighborhood that crystallizes the lives of Africans living during the 1950’s & early 60’s in the Jim Crow South.The people…
Every neighborhood produces a busybody, a comedian, a gossip, a blabbermouth, a storyteller and a historian. Everybody knew everybody and everybody knew everybody’s business. One could do little to keep people out of their private affairs; in fact, the concept of privacy was an alien concept to its inhabitants.

They portrayed a spirit of determination and a strong will to survive in spite of fear, harassment, extreme poverty, and torment. They gave each other energy, humor, and courage, which pierced, then awakened their minds and souls, allowing them to endure under the constant pressures.

The events…
The activities on Friday and Saturday nights made this neighborhood legendary. There was always a fight, a shooting or a stabbing that occurred bringing in outsiders to cart away the dead bodies and guilty parties. Outsiders were anyone black or white that did not live within its boundaries.
The most unwelcomed outsider was the police department, which had a very complex yet dependent relationship with the residents. They came when there was a need, and yet they were not welcomed because the residents very often fell victim to their persistent prejudice and abuse.

The place…
The entire community sat in a gigantic ditch, surrounded by acres of long-needle pine trees, covered with thick, uncontrollable, unrelenting kudzu vines.

However, it was a neighborhood with its own set of values, beliefs, and practices that its people often distorted and mutilated, originating out of hate, prejudice, and racism; but those same conditions served as the glue that held its people together.

Its name… Buttermilk Bottom
Immerse in this remarkable novel born out of author H. Victoria Hargro Atkerson’s fascination with the forbidden neighborhood that had an equally fascinating location and history.

The story, like the characters enclosed in these pages, is sitting in the historically correct backdrop of the struggle for civil and human rights, which unfolded slowly in cities all over America.


About the Author:
H. Victoria Hargro Atkerson is an imaginative and masterful storyteller who enjoys the creative process so much that she spends eight to ten hours a day perfecting her skills. She lives between the pages, paragraphs, and words of her stories. Born in Atlanta, Georgia, in a large close-knit family, she listened to her elders weave words into colorful stories.

Book Details:
Buttermilk Bottom
by H. Victoria Hargro Atkerson
Publication Date: 12-14-11
Trade Paperback; $ 19.95; ISBN: 978-1-4568-8438-3
Cloth Hardback; $29.99; ISBN: 978-1-4568-84390
Ebook; $9.95, ISBN: 978-1-4568-8440-6
Available in e-book, paperback, and hardcover at Amazon.com, Xlibris.com, and ButtermilkBottom.com

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