Herman Cain Dies From Coronavirus, Reportedly Attended Trump Rally

Nationwide — 74-year old Henry Cain has died from COVID-19. He was a millionaire business executive, political lobbyist, author, and presidential candidate who ran for the Republican nomination in the year 2000. He was hospitalized on July 1st after reportedly traveling extensively throughout the month of June including a rally he attended for President Trump in Tulsa, Oklahoma on June 20th.Before starting his political career, Cain was a very successful entrepreneur. In the 1980s, he managed hundreds of profitable Burger King restaurants in the Philadelphia area. He later was appointed as chairman and CEO of Godfather’s Pizza, which has more than 570 restaurants across the country. He held that position for about 10 years.

His political pursuits began in 1994 when he challenged President Bill Clinton over a proposed health care plan. In the early 2000s, he became a talk show host and a Fox News correspondent.



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