Houston, TX — Kim Gagne and her husband Emilian White had just celebrated their 27th wedding anniversary and hosted a small gathering with 10 friends. Days later, White began feeling sick and tested positive for coronavirus.“We are thinking we are in the house and we are not at 10 people. So we are good and nobody comes in we are not hugging kissing on each other,” Gagne told KHOU.
However, two days later, her husband had to isolate himself as he began showing symptoms and had shortness of breath and fever. Eventually, he was taken to the hospital where doctors confirmed that he tested positive for COVID-19.
Aside from him, two other people who attended the gathering also tested positive for COVID-19 and two other people who got sick are waiting for their test results.
After 9 days in the hospital, White was able to come back home with his family since his condition got better and he is still self-isolating.
Though it has yet been confirmed where White actually contracted the virus, Gagne hopes people would take the stay-at-home mandate seriously.
“What I am saying is people should not be in your house. If they don’t live pay rent or a light bill they should not be in your house,” said Gagne.