This 102-Year Old Woman Still Goes to the Gym Three Times a Week

Sacramento, CA — At 102-years old, Ida Wheeler is still a very healthy, strong woman. Her secret? Going to the gym and pumping iron at least three times a week.“Just work, and plenty of rest and no drinking,” Wheeler, who just turned 102-years old last week, told KCRA. “You have to have plenty of rest, and a good meal — breakfast if nothing else.”

Since the 1970s, Wheeler has a workout routine she never wanted to miss. In fact, on her birthday, she was at the gym with her daughter and granddaughter, who often join her going to the gym.

Shirley Rodgers, Wheeler’s granddaughter, said her grandmother credits her good health to her own cooked meals, physical activities, and daily news reading habit.

“She is definitely an inspiration,” Rodgers said. “She is truly amazing, and I’m so proud of her being 102 and working out.”



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