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Monday, June 3, 2024

Meet the Specialist Who Helps Black Women to Identify and Fight Narcissistic Relationship Abuse

Ina Johnson Myers

Nationwide — Ina Johnson Myers is a specialist and relationship coach who helps women understand the difference between healthy and narcissistic love and relationships. Over the past 20+ years, she has helped hundreds of women and is also a visionary author and an international keynote speaker. Her newest #1 best-selling book, Rising Above Narcissistic Abuse Volume 2: Transforming Devastation into Purpose, reinforces the power of storytelling and is a transformational anthology featuring the compelling stories of 11 women who overcame the odds of narcissistic abuse.

Authors Dianne Kevwitch, Liz Wagner, LaCandis Reid, Joy Mpezeni, Aleida Lynn Clincy, Jade Trunick, Adiesa Monique, Donella Jackson, Rachel Edghill, Lynn Michelle Gilford, and Contributing Author Shannon Savoy candidly share the hurt and shame of their experiences and how they discovered their purpose through their pain. These women once believed that they had no power but rose above the doubt to break free from their narcissistic abusers. Now, they hope that their stories will empower others and serve as a catalyst for healing generations and nations.

“Many readers connected with the stories in Volume I,” said Johnson Myers, explaining the motivation for compiling a second volume. “We wanted to give a voice, hope, strength, and strategies to women who are emotionally stuck because of the devastation of narcissistic abuse.”

Ina is on course to replicate the success of Rising Above Narcissistic Abuse Volume 1: Your Navigational Journey to Freedom. Volume 2 was a #1 Bestseller on Amazon, topping categories in Christian Self-Help, Abuse, Personal Growth, Christianity, and Personal Transformation.

International Mental Health Speaker, Author, Coach and Trainer, Advocate, and Survivor of a Narcissistic Abusive Relationship, Dr. Rhonda M. Wood, endorses Rising Above Narcissistic Abuse Volume 2 in her foreword for the book. She described it as “a lifeline to those ensnared in the suffocating grip of domestic violence. She praised Ina Johnson Myers for “weaving threads of pain into a tapestry of hope.”

Although Rising Above Narcissistic Abuse Volume 2 is an anthology of stories, it reads like a riveting chapter book introducing new characters and plots at intervals. The book reels in readers with captivating titles such as “The High Was a Lie,” “The Wolf in the Pulpit,” and “Bad Company Corrupts Good Morals.” With just 106 pages, the book offers a quick yet satisfying read that will inspire those trapped in narcissistic relationships to take a stand.

Rising Above Narcissistic Abuse Volume 2 is available in paperback and eBook formats on Amazon.

For more information, to purchase copies, or to learn more about the authors, visit RisingAboveNarcissisticAbuse.com

Also be sure to follow Ina on Instagram @WhenSheRise1

For press inquiries or media interview requests, contact info@WhenSheRise.com