This Teen Has Just Been Sentenced to 23 Years in Jail For Killing a Dog — A Police Dog!

Palm Beach, FL — A Florida judge has just sentenced 18-year old Ivins Rosier to 23 years in jail for shooting and killing a retired police dog back in 2012. He had been charged with burglary of a dwelling with a firearm (he broke into a state trooper’s house), cruelty to animals with a firearm, and shooting into a building. The dog, a 5-year-old German shepherd, had to be euthanized because of it’s injuries.Naturally, an outrage has broken out among African American communities across the nation, but state officials have not budged.

State Attorney Dave Aronberg, who was present in court for Rosier’s sentencing, has applauded the verdict. In fact, his office asked that Rosier, who was 16-years old at the time he committed the crime, to be sentenced for 30 years. Arongberg comments, “It was a fair sentence and justice was done.”

Rosier’s attorney responded with harsh words for such a lengthy prison term, and says they will be appealing the conviction and the sentencing. He commented, “I believe this to be sadistic to do this to a child. Completely overboard, and I understand the dog died and they broke into a home with guns, but when you look at the range of punishments available, that’s why they call it juvenile.”

And what does Rosier himself have to say? We he blames drugs and alcohol for turning him into a bad person. During his testimony, he said, “That’s not the person that I am. The person that I am is a loving, caring person… I’m not a vicious person, I’m not a ruthless person.”

What do you think? Is 23 years excessive for killing a dog? Does he have a chance to win an appeal?



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