Uber Driver Arrested for Robbing the Homes of His Passengers

Jackie Gordon Wilson

San Francisco, CA — Jackie Gordon Wilson, a 38-year old Uber driver from the Bay Area, has been arrested after being caught by home security cameras trying to burglarize homes of his passengers. The homeowners identified him as the driver who dropped them off the airport and allegedly returned to their home in an attempt to rob it!On Thursday, Wilson reportedly dropped off a couple at San Francisco International Airport for a flight and then returned to the Airbnb they were renting. The home was installed with a Ring doorbell security camera which captured him breaking into the home and alerted the homeowner about it. The security alarm also went off so Wilson fled the scene.

After his failed robbery attempt, Wilson allegedly broke into another home in the same neighborhood. The home also had a Ring doorbell security camera. Officers were called about the burglary on the second home, and they found it was completely ransacked and several items were missing.

After seeing the surveillance video, the homeowner of the Airbnb contacted his most recent tenants to ask if they recognize the man. The Airbnb tenant of the first home and the homeowner of the second home quickly recognized it was their Uber driver. Police confirmed the culprit on the two burglaries was Wilson.

Police used Wilson’s information from the Uber app to track him down. He was arrested at his home the next day. At that time, he was still wearing the same clothes he was seen wearing in the surveillance video and he also has in his possession the stolen items.

Wilson is now being held at the San Mateo County jail on charges of burglary and attempted burglary. Police are investigating Wilson’s possible involvement in other burglaries and crimes in the area.

Meanwhile, Uber released a statement saying, “We removed the driver’s access to the app as soon as we were made aware of the allegations and stand ready to assist police in their investigation.”



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