Respected Black Historian Invites African Americans Who’ve Traveled to Africa to Submit Their Stories For His New Book

Nationwide — James White, a respected Black historian, Pan Africanist, and the best-selling author of Roots Recovered: The How-To Guide For Tracing African-American and West Indian Roots Back to Africa…, is now releasing a second version of his book. This time, he is requesting that African Americans who have traveled to Africa to explore their roots to submit their stories to be published.As a pioneer in African genealogical travel, James released the first edition of Roots Recovered in the year 2004 and it has continued to capture the hearts of readers for two decades. It was designed to illuminate and celebrate the rich tapestry of African heritage by sharing the personal DNA-inspired journeys of individuals of African descent. It was born out of the author’s frustration with prevalent misconceptions and negative perceptions about Africa.

Over the years, Roots Recovered has garnered accolades and widespread recognition since its initial release. It has been featured on platforms such as the Tavis Smiley Show on NPR Radio, CN-8 News, Africa Meets Africa on Pacifica Radio, WHUR’s The Caribbean Experience, Radio One, WKGO Radio, and the renowned travel talk show, John Hamilton on the Go. The book was also handpicked for the DiverCity Book of the Month Club, and its impact was felt on the University of South Florida’s Africana Heritage website, The Boston Globe, and numerous other publications and media outlets.

Now, fast forward two decades, James is inviting the public to be a part of this exceptional journey. The new book, Roots Recovered Part II, aspires to collect and share personal stories, inspiring all displaced children of Africa to embark upon their own ancestral quests through DNA testing. He expects that each unique narrative will help dispel myths, celebrate heritage, and encourage others to trace their African roots. All people of African descent in the Diaspora are invited to submit their stories.

Submission Instructions:

To contribute your personal story to Roots Recovered Part II, please follow these guidelines:

Submission Deadline: March 22, 2024

• Trace your ancestry to Africa. Please mention the company you used.
• Identify your tribe or African ethnic group.
• Describe your family’s journey in detail. Was it a life-changing experience?
• Your submission should not exceed 20 pages, double-spaced, in 12-point Courier font. By submitting your story, you agree to its inclusion in Roots Recovered Part II.
• Please note that while we eagerly anticipate your contributions, there is no guarantee that your story will be selected for publication.
• The submission process is not associated with any form of remuneration, and submitting your story does not establish any partnership, employment, contractor relationship, or grant any business or ownership rights.
• Email your submission to wjames3968@gmail.com and rootsrecoveredpart2@gmail.com by March 1, 2024.

The author looks forward to your participation in this remarkable project. He comments, “Let your story be the beacon that inspires others to embark on their own DNA-inspired journeys back to their ancestral origins.”

About the Author
James White, a native of Trenton, New Jersey, is not only an accomplished author, historian, and globetrotter but also a Howard University graduate and New York Law School graduate. Inspired by his own journey of self-discovery, his goal is to provide a platform for fellow African Americans to explore their roots. As a father of five who has served as an Attorney General for the federal government, he eagerly anticipates the creation of a space to curate and share these meaningful stories.



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