Black Woman Entrepreneur Makes History with Her Line of Coffee That Combines the Power of Organic Mushrooms

Nationwide — Jessica Francois, a 35-year-old Haitian American entrepreneur from West Palm Beach, Florida, has become the first Black woman in history to launch a line of mushroom coffee. Her brand, Heavenz Shroomz Coffee, uses organic mushrooms such as Lions Mane and Chaga to neutralize the coffee grounds which makes it alkaline and healthy for the body, unlike regular coffee which often causes crashes from the caffeine and also jitters.Jessica, who has three degrees including a Doctorate degree in Nursing Practice from the University of North Florida, says that she created her coffee products because it helps people to enhance their focus and mental clarity without the jitters or crash. In addition, as a Mental Health Practitioner, she wanted to create a product that would increase brain health and overall cognitive function and help support anxiety and depression.

Jessica comments, “My company is challenging conventional coffee. Our model focuses on impacting our community in a positive way. Not only do we believe in selling the best tasting coffee, but also making sure that our company has a solid mission to help others while we continue to grow by giving back to support mental health.”

For those who are wondering what mushroom coffee tastes like, Jessica says that it doesn’t taste like a mushroom but instead has a smooth nutty, but non-bitter delicious taste. In addition, it’s 100% organic, it’s alkaline for the body, and many people have reported having sustained energy, an improved mood, being able to focus better, and some have experienced gut/weight control.

For more information and/or to purchase the product, visit HeavenzShroomzCoffee.com

Also, be sure to follow the brand on Instagram @Heavenz_Shroomz_Coffee



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