African American Math Scholar’s Books Are Helping Families Across The Country Learn Math

— Johnny Bowens’ books are written from the point of view of a math tutor who realizes the importance of tutoring and family involvement for learning any subject. They are two of the main ingredients for learning. The books cover: Basic Math, Pre-Algebra, and Introductions to Algebra & Geometry. —

Johnny Bowens, author of the Familly Math LLC book series

Manteca, CA — Johnny Bowens, the author of Family Math LLC, is very happy to report what people are saying about his math books.Mr. Bowens says he is getting nothing but positive responses from people of all backgrounds who have used his books. He says, “I have had people hoping to pass GED exams (and other school exams), to others hoping to pass math classes in order to graduate, to a corporate executive and others saying Family Math LLC was the difference maker for them.”

He recounts the story of one very happy dad who told him Family Math LLC made all the difference in the world. Before getting the books his daughters were failing their middle school math classes. He got the books and used them. Through the use of Family Math LLC his daughters were able to pass their math classes and graduate.

He also told the story of a young adult needing to pass the GED exam. She had attended a GED help center, tried book after book, and used all the recommended websites for GED help. None of those things helped her. She got Family Math LLC and said the books made the math crystal clear to where she was finally understanding it.

One young man told Mr. Bowens his books helped him to pass the SAT exam. He’s now in college and preparing for his career.

A former policeman told Mr. Bowens his books helped him a great deal when tutoring his fiance’s teen-aged daughter. She was studying common core math. He said at first he was completely lost trying to help her. He got Family Math LLC and was then able to understand and explain her math book to her.

Mr. Bowens had a fascinating story involving a corporate executive. She was up for a promotion and a pay increase on her job, but she had to pass an exam involving math. The information in Family Math LLC helped her pass the exam. She got the promotion and the pay increase.

Mr. Bowens says the books are comprehensive, resource math books that were written to take the confusion out of learning math. They are a 340+ page Main Book and a 60+ page Workbook. Both books were $39.99; now they are $29.99. They’re also available in an e-book format at Amazon Kindle for $9.99.

Since his books were published in late 2016 many, many people have been helped to finally learn math.

He says, “If you didn’t learn math before it might not have been your fault. Math books have been written in a confusing way for many, many years. Learn math, review math, help your kids (or others) learn math through Family Math LLC. The math books for families (and schools).”

The books have been featured in a variety of places. One of those places was ESPN’s Unlimited series.

The physical, paperback books or the e-book are available at Amazon.com (Kindle). The website for Family Math LLC is www.FamilyMathLLC.com. The paperback books are also available on the website.


Johnny Bowens
(209) 591-8730



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