Nationwide — Judge Greg Mathis, known for his TV courtroom show, is facing a lawsuit after an L.A. city worker, Ricardo Acosta, accused Mathis of threatening him with a firearm. The incident, which allegedly happened in July 2023, allegedly started with a dispute over a dump truck blocking the judge’s driveway.According to the lawsuit, Acosta said Mathis became angry when he encountered the truck outside his home and shouted for him to move it, according to Daily Mail.
As the situation escalated, Acosta says Mathis positioned himself behind the truck. Concerned for his safety, Acosta reportedly told Mathis to move, fearing the truck might roll.
In response, Mathis allegedly made a threatening remark, saying, “I don’t give a f***, run me over and see what happens.”
He then allegedly went inside his home, returned with a gun, and made further threats before driving away.
Acosta is suing Mathis for assault and emotional distress, seeking damages for the incident. In response, Mathis’ lawyer, Anahita Sedaghatfar, denies the allegations.
“That the LAPD did not even investigate Mr. Acosta’s claims speaks to their lack of merit,” Sedaghatfar said. “Should Mr. Acosta pursue this lawsuit, we will not only vigorously defend the case, we will file cross claims against Mr. Acosta for his illegal conduct and repeated defamation of my client.”