71-Year Old White Woman Arrested for Attacking a Black Pregnant Soldier

Judy James Tucker

Macon, GA — Judy James Tucker, a 71-year old white woman, has been arrested and charged with battery after she and her son harassed and tried to attack two black female soldiers — one of them who is pregnant. Tucker, however, claims that she was the victim of reverse racism.The incident that happened in Cheddar’s Scratch Kitchen Restaurant started from a spat over a parking spot. It continued inside the restaurant where Judy and her son Robbie Tucker used obscene, sexist language on the two female soldiers.

According to witness accounts, Judy and her son got angry when the two soldiers did not wait for them to back into the handicap parking spot and instead went around and proceeded to park in another spot.

The people inside the restaurant saw and heard the Tuckers calling the two female soldiers “Black lesbian b–” as they told them to learn how to park. Witnesses like LaKeycia Ward then started recording a video.

In the video, it was seen that Judy punches and slaps Sharpe in the face. And when she said she’s pregnant, Robbie told her, “Oh really, by her?”

Judy Tucker told officers that the incident happened because she is white and it was a race issue. Bibb County Police, however, saw the video and identified that Judy Tucker was the aggressor and there was no evidence that suggests Sharpe did anything wrong.

Jail records show that Judy Tucker was arrested and charged with battery but was released at $650 bond. Further investigations are still ongoing and more charges could be pending.

After the video went viral, Cheddar’s issued a statement saying that Judy Tucker is banned from eating at the restaurant. “We were appalled by the behavior of the individuals who confronted the two female service members. Such behavior flies in the face of our values and those individuals are no longer welcome in our restaurant.”

Watch the raw footage below:



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