7-Year-Old Black Girl Gives Back to the Hospital Where She Was Born

Nationwide — Julia Scott, a 7-year-old African American girl from Atlanta, Georgia, spent her summer running a snow cone business. She used the money she earned to give back to Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta in Brookhaven, where she was born.Julia, along with her little sister Hannah Rose, believes in doing what you love. Julia’s mentor, Kalea Hunter, helped her learn about philanthropy and the joy of giving.

On Friday, Julia donated $350 to the hospital from the proceeds of her snow cone stand. This donation was a heartfelt thank you to the doctors, nurses, and staff who took care of her over the years.

“Having a relationship with doctors, nurses, and people at the front desk who really care for children has been so important.  She feels that,” Julia’s mom Karen Kenner Scott told WSB-TV.

Julia, who was born prematurely and has had frequent hospital visits since then, wanted to show her appreciation for the care she has received.

“They’re so kind. It’s just amazing there,” Julia said.

Julia, who will turn 8 years old soon, plans to continue her snow cone fundraiser as an annual tradition.



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