Florida Woman Charged With Child Abuse After Spanking Someone Else’s Child With Her Belt

Kady Ann SewellKady Ann Sewell

Nationwide — Kady Ann Sewell, a 33-year old mother from Florida City, Florida, is facing child abuse charges after she allegedly spanked a 13-year-old boy at school who had defended himself after being bullied by her son.Surveillance video caught Sewell inside the premises of Bethel Seventh Day Adventist private school attacking the boy with a belt. She went to the school apparently after an incident between the boy and his son.

Zendre Pollard, the mother of the child who was hit, said his son was bullied by Sewell’s son and then he only tried to defend himself.

“He called and said someone was bullying him, fat-shaming him, and he picked up the child and dropped the child back down on his feet,” she told WTVJ.

Pollard said she had to take her son, who has a history of seizures, to the local hospital to be evaluated after the incident.

“My son could have went into a seizure and died. Anything. You’re just hitting him across the head,” she said, adding that her son got a busted lip due to the assault.

Pollard was questioning the school how Sewell was able to enter the campus during school hours, beat her son, and walk out.

“How did this lady get this far, was able to hit my child multiple times, and you saw it wasn’t broken up, she walked out calmly,” she said. “My child wasn’t safe. My son was bullied by her son, and then bullied by the mom.”

Moreover, Pollard said she is pressing charges against Sewell, whom she personally knew. She also filed a restraining order against Sewell, which was granted by the judge.

Most recently, Pollard has been taken into custody. She is facing charges including child abuse without causing great bodily harm, educational interference, and trespassing a school safety zone.