Washington, DC — The King of Pop-Up Exhibit will take place at Studio 52 in Washington, D.C. on August 31st, on what would have been Michael Jackson’s 60th birthday. The exhibit will feature 20 portraits recreating the King of Pop’s most notorious images created by D.C. native photographer, Tyler Palmer.Presented by Hardshell Films, The King Of Pop-Up Exhibit will include images from Michael Jackson’s most memorable projects such as “Bad”, “Thriller”, “Beat It” and more.
Presented by Hardshell Films, The King of Pop-Up Exhibit will include images from Michael Jackson’s most memorable projects such as “Bad”, “Thriller”, “Beat It” and more. CEO of Hardshelll Films, Tyler Palmer was inspired to develop this exhibit while listening to Off The Wall and Thriller during his 3-hour drive from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to Washington, D.C. He began to think about the impact that Michael Jackson’s artistry has on people of all generations, race, and religion, and wanted to do something that would bring people in his hometown together to celebrate the King of Pop’s legacy, during what would’ve been his 60th birthday. As Tyler began to develop ideas, he wanted to make sure this exhibit would be different from all other Michael Jackson tributes; he decided to use women to replicate the King of Pop’s iconic moments.
“My final twist was to make this a woman only production. You can go to Vegas or Times Square to see men dressed up and imitating MJ, why not bring women into the spotlight,” says Tyler.
The King of Pop-Up Exhibit will also feature live eye-popping painting by @ScoFlair, and musical performances by Amani Ciara, singing some of Michael Jacksons greatest hits. Hosted by D.C. social influencer A.D. Sutton and music provided by DJ FladdapFlex.
For more information about tickets and schedule for the King of Pop-Up Exhibit, visit www.eventbrite.com/e/king-of-pop-up-exhibit-tickets-47559619101?aff=eac2
Jordyn McLane
Jordyn Marsha PR & Events