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Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Leonard Lee and Robert Lewis Announce Call to Action for Black Men at the 2024 Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Inc. Conference

Leonard Lee and Robert Lewis

Nationwide — Leonard Lee and Robert Lewis, founders of the “I Am a Man, A Black Man” project, will attend the 2024 Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Inc. (CBCF) Annual Legislative Conference in Washington, D.C., from September 11-16, 2024. This event will serve as a powerful platform for a national call to action, inviting Black men across America to unite in support of Black women, children, and our communities.

The mission of the “I Am a Man, A Black Man” project is to uplift Black men by championing the causes that protect and strengthen our families and communities. Our focus is ensuring that no one disrespects our women, families, and community.

This year, the project is calling Black men across the country to take a pledge to bring 10 people each to the polls on Election Day, showing our unified commitment to electing Kamila Harris as the next President of the United States.

National Zoom Call to Action: One to Bring Ten to the Polls

As part of this national mobilization effort, Leonard Lee and Robert Lewis are also hosting a special Zoom meeting on September 18, 2024, at 7pm Eastern Time. This meeting will outline strategies for ensuring a strong voter turnout and discuss how to build solidarity and leadership within the community.

Zoom Meeting Details:
Topic: One to Bring Ten to the Polls
Date: September 18, 2024
Time: 7pm Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Zoom ID: 882 7770 5530
Passcode: HxJ8Lq

For more information, contact the organizers directly at Leonard M. Lee at 857-207-2736 or blakestone1@netzero.com/ Robert A. Lewis at 857-210-8315 or I.am.a.manxii@gmail.com