New Children’s Book Series Features a Strong Black Family With Happy Faces… and a Committed Father!

In what they are calling a movement to build strong, happy, confident children, authors Malcolm and Denise M. Johnson are releasing a series of books that portray positive Black households with an active committed father.

Bookcover and authors, Malcolm and Denise M. Johnson

Nationwide — Malcolm and Denise M. Johnson are a Black married couple from Chicago who began strengthening their marriage, creating tools to teach children and developing their personal skills by creating and building unique characters. Lotus and Lily Go to the Park (available on Amazon.com) is the first book of their series, and they are currently working on the illustrations for their second book, which is designed for children 5 to 7 years old.The book is designed for children, 2 to 5 years old – introducing them to new sight words, while teaching them colors and numbers at the same time. In the book, children will learn with repetition and seeing happy faces. The book is written by Denise M. Johnson with original drawings by Malcolm Johnson. The book is colored by Mrs. Johnson as well, using a simple Paint program on their laptop. They followed a complexed process to complete the artwork to avoid purchasing extra software, and are very proud of the outcome as first time published authors and illustrators.

The book relates to the Black community in particular. The family members in the book are all different complexions, which children will enjoy finding a character that they can identify with regardless of their complexions. The book shows a strong black family interacting and enthusiastic to learn and follow routines. The Johnson Jrs are very serious about portraying positive Black households with an active committed father in their writings.

Lotus and Lily Go to the Park is scheduled to be released in paperback on September 6, 2018, and the ebook is available for pre order immediately. The Johnson Jrs look forward to sharing their book with the special children in your lives. They consider this more than a book, but a movement to build strong, happy, confident children before they start school.

The book is available now as an ebook on Amazon (www.amazon.com/dp/B07G7WNP1W)

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Facebook – www.facebook.com/Johnsonjrfamilybooks-2169397626679854/
Instagram – www.instagram.com/johnsonjrfamilybooks


Malcolm and Denise M. Johnson
(773) 306-3580



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